Wednesday, May 2, 2012

"Look up and not down. Look forward and not back. Look out and not in, and lend a hand."

This month our young action team was enthusiastic  and empathetic in  lending a helping hand in the library .They arranged the books that were returned in its respective shelves and made sure that they were kept in neat rows.They realized that team work was much better than one person having to do a lot of tasks.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Presentation made by Neha and Anaisha of 5C for CAS assembly

First Weekly action meeting

The first weekly action meeting was held on September 7th 2011. Students of Grades 2,3,4, and 5 attended this meeting and signed up for becoming action volunteers. Four teachers Ms. Grace, Ms. Kimkim, Ms. Suchitha and Ms. Priyanka took the responsibility of holding the meetings regularly. They decided to meet once a week every Thursday at 12:40pm to 1:00 pm.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Making classroom resources for IICS

This term, the CAS team are making classroom resources for the IICS classes. The students have come up with some creative ideas of making useful resources for the IICS to use in their classes. They are making flashcards, metre sticks, rulers, which will all be laminated and given to the classes of IICS.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Young leaders in action

Naja and Cathrine made “business plan”,planned it for 3 weeks, drawing of the setup, posters they delivered around etc. Their shop was on Sunday 29th January.

They had decided to share the income between Indus Community School and the orphanage Tayi Mane, that Cathrine's Mom (Jette) works with. They were also selling work done by the kids at Tayi Mane.

They bought toothbrushes and tooth paste for all the 50 kids at Tayi Mane, and brought pencils, sharpeners and erasers for the Community School. They had 800Rs left which will be given to buy resouces for the community school as well.

We are very proud of these young leaders. !!! :-)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

CAS Assembly

CAS Assembly- Cas members sharing what they have done so far. They got together in groups and came up with creative ideas to present to the rest of the school on what CAS has been doing. The IICS was also there to receive the blankets.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Young leaders who think globally and act locally :-)

CAS students with the IICS students- buddy reading and making pencil holders with recycled toilet paper rolls.