Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Mufti Day November - Children's day

In connection with Children's Day, Children dressed up in a creative way to demonstrate and celebrate their uniqueness.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Mufti Day October - Theme: Halloween

For Mufti Day in September and October a total of Rupees 5010 was collected to help support PYP Action. Thank you for all your support again, we had a GREAT SUCCESS!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Weekly Meeting - Flag off!!

Recycling Tetrapacks!

"An organisation called 3D is interacting with the Slum of Janakiramnagar. They are working with the women and their little children. Their project is to help the women to make bags, wallets and computers covers from used tetra packs, which they will then sell for profit. The profits earned will be distributed, as salaries, to the working women and thus inject money into the slum. This project needs more and more raw materials to make the products." (Noemie and Rahul)

NoƩmie Martin & Rahul Prasad, grade 11, have launched a project in the school to collect used tetra packs. By collecting the used materials, they are hoping to spread awareness to Indus students about recycling and provide the Indus community with an opportunity to help combat poverty. "We will also have an experience in an helping organisation in line with a business activity, as 3D will tell us how much they earned on the amount we collected and might invite us to see their production process." (Noemie and Rahul)
Two collection boxes have been placed in PYP building.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Mufti Day September - International cultures

The theme for the month of September was "International Cultures". Children enthusiastically took pride in dressing up in traditional clothes.

International Cultures

Monday, September 13, 2010

Mufti Day August - Theme: Crazy Hair Day

Mufti day in August was celebrated by students sporting Crazy Hairstyles.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Year 2010-2011

PYP ACTION surges ahead...

PYP believes in ACTION!

Together we can!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

PYP's Mufti Day in MAY celebrated all the TEAM SPIRIT we have in PYP. The students wore their favourite team jerseys, colours or team clothes to show off their team spirit.

Our PYP eagles raised a total of Rs. 2940 by bringing only Rs. 10 to show their support for ACTION. Thank you again to the WHOLE PYP TEAM!