Friday, February 26, 2010

Mufti Day - Compliment's Day

Mufti Day - Compliment's day: Taking a break from their routines, students dressed in red, white and pink and spent some time appreciating and complimenting each other in their classrooms, enveloping each child with a warm and fuzzy feeling. Together, every little contribution of Rs. 10 added up to Rs 3515, and will go towards fulfilling Indus' commitments of community service.

Student Initiated Action

A grade 5 students James and Alex created a sign and pasted it on the water cooler asking people to not waste paper cups. This self initiated action was a result of their observations around the water cooler that moved them to take ACTION. We applaud our students for taking the time to remind students to care!

Another Weekly ACTION Meeting at PYP Indus

Our second guest speaker intrigued PYP students with his approach and caused them to pause and think. Mr Vairavan showed students some images of everyday poverty and elicited deeper reflections from them. His sharing of personal sacrifices of small treats was eye opening for students, who were able to envision themselves doing the same.

Many students spent their snack break imbibing attitudes of caring from Indus' very own icons of ACTION.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What's new at ACTION weekly meetings? Guest speakers!!!

There's something new happening at our weekly PYP ACTION meetings!

This term, we are inviting guest speakers to speak about their community involvement endeavours - their reasons, experiences and learning, to broaden the horizons of our young students and to inculcate a lasting caring for the underprivileged as well the environment.

We flag off this phase with our first guest speaker - Ms. Yasmine Claire - a passionate animal activist. At a time in our lives when we have but 1411 tigers left in India, we welcome her to educate and inspire our ACTION members.

She spoke about caring for stray and destitute animals by alerting the right authorities, innoculating pets and spreading love for animals in our world.

Grade 4A Assembly on ACTION

Through their assembly, Grade 4A students aimed to educate PYP students about the form (what does it look like?) and function (how does it help?) of ACTION - one of the 5 essential elements of IB along with Knowledge, Concepts, Learner profile and Attitudes. Students also learned that PYP CAS has been renamed PYP ACTION. They showcased examples of ACTION initiated by students in PYP this year, such as Arunava's undertaking involving making and selling bookmarks with a message and Nolan, Alekya and Darshan's suggestion to recycle paper. They highlighted some of the ongoing community service engagements by the PYP ACTION group, for e.g. - Kallahalli food drive. Grade 4A students presented possible scenarios through role-plays where ACTION can be taken.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Grade 5 - Assessing the needs of the Kallahalli Orphanage

Grade: 5A
Teachers’ names: Vimi Santos and Sanjay Prabhakaran
Date of Engagement/s: _Nov 09___ No. of visits: 01
Name of Local Community: Yarab Charitable Education Trust
or Kallahalli Orphanage
UOI Integration: Values and Beliefs

Learning Outcome: To empathize and inquiry with the children living the orphanage. Make a plan to help the children academically and otherwise.

Student Initiated Action: Varun wants to start a programe to teach the children which they could not get due to the circumstances they are in.

Evidence collected: A reflection on the visit.


Grade 5 visited the Kalahalli orphanage to empathise with the children living in the orphanage and appreciate the gifts they had been provided with by default. The purpose of the visit was not disclosed to the children.

The visit included going around the orphanage and talking to the children, seeing how they lived and the facilities available to them.

The children were stunned to see what they saw. They had a million innocent questions about the lifestyle of the children. The questions varied from the entertainment they had to the daily schedule to what they studied.

A sense of empathy came out from within and the Indus children wanted to make a difference to these unfortunate lot. They made a plan to collect old notebooks and donate them to the orphanage. They also plan to teach them curriculum and skills, a class every week, which will help them earn money and improve their lifestyle.

This visit was teacher driven integrating with the theme “Values and Beliefs”. The action was student led.

The action has been planned to be taken into the next theme “Market place” where the Indus children will be planning to teach the Kalahalli children skills to make artifacts which will be sold during the summative assessment ‘Fete’.

Weekly ACTION meetings

Every tuesday morning, our weekly ACTION meetings continue to bring forth in our young students, a wealth of motivated ideas, pathos for the underprivileged and a will do make a difference!

More Mufti Day reflections!

Mufti Day Student Reflections:

Crazy Hair Day (by Taneeka 3B)

Crazy hair day was a way to help the orphanage by raising money. We brought in Rs 10 each if we dressed up.
Most people had hair dye in BLUE, RED, PINK OR GREEN. In all types of hair styles like this : (see hard copy for pictures)

Mufti Day (cultural) (by Chandana 3B)

On Cultural Mufti Day e dressed from different places around the world for example: Norway and India.
One other thing we realised was that we each brought the payment of RS. 10 (if your wearing colour).
Why???? because all our money goes to the CAS (orphanage) not to us! we give it to the CAS because the do NOT have money to buy proper books and pencils.
This way we can be caring.
We have mufti day because we want to help CAS and for to have fun!!

Halloween (By Pranav 3B)

On Halloween we were dressed up as our costumes and we brang Rs 10 for the CAS because they are poor and also on Halloween there was a Hindi assembly and before when we get our Rupees 10 and Rs 10 we give it to the other orphanages so they can buy books, paper, erasers, ruler, snack water bottle and other supplies.

Reflections on Mufti Day


It was really fun dressing in the costumes. It was cool to see everyone’s idea of what’s scary! Halloween was fun for all the children. It was one of the best mufti days. It was fun for all the children to dress up all together. This was a good way to fund raise for CAS. It raised a lot of money because everyone wanted to have a good time.

Nora, Sara, Aditi, Niko

Mufti Day is an interesting and inventive way of enthusing the children for a variety of reasons. Not only are the children excited about dressing up, they are also keen on contributing money towards the CAS programme. They feel for the underprivileged and donate generously at every month end. It sensitizes the students as they are able to appreciate the fact that they are the lucky few.
One such mufti day, Halloween, was especially successful. Every student dressed up in their fancy costumes. Ranging from skeletons to vampires, zombies to perky she-devils, there was a large and interesting variety of displays. The mood and the spirit remained throughout the day. Having teachers dress up and support the day added the extra bit for the children. It was truly enjoyable, exciting and fun to watch every child revel in the day’s merrymaking, and remember that at the end of the day, mufti day has been created for a cause.

Ms. Mohua Dutt-Jacob
Grade 5 Teacher

Hats, caps, wigs, Bandanas...lots of fun!

More fun with creative headgear!

PYP at it's innovative best!

Mufti Day - Crazy Headgear day!

January's Mufti day theme was CRAZY HEADGEAR DAY! PYP delved into their abilities to innovate and improvise and came up with creative and colourful headgear, some functional, some farfetched, some just plain crazy! Like every Mufti day, there was a warm buzz of excitement and exclamations. Students renewed their commitment towards the community by bringing in Rs 10 to total a collection of Rs 2840!

ACTION Updates!!!

  • PYP CAS has been renamed PYP ACTION!!
  • Kallahalli Orphanage (1st phase) Food Drive - We recieved a total of 256 kgs of Dal and Rice (95 kgs daal, and 161 kgs rice) before the holidays. Thank you parents for supporting the cause!
  • Total PYP contribution thus far this school year stands at Rs 1, 06, 596!

Mufti Day - CHRISTMAS!

Mufti day: Our students came dressed in red, green and gold colours to celebrate the December theme of 'Christmas'. A spirit of festivity and giving was evident in the air. Students brought in Rs 10 to show their support and raised a total of Rs. 2341!


Mufti Day comes around again - November was a month to celebrate our uniqueness and individuality, a time to be tolerant and appreciative of others with our theme - 'This is me!' We came dressed as 'ourselves', and dared to show the world who we are. A big part in learning to accept others is accepting oneself, PYP had a comfortable and happy zing in the air.