Thursday, October 20, 2011

To all the super hero's

Time flies and its already time for another Mufti Day. The theme for the month of September was Super Hero!!! 
Batman, Robin, Spiderman, Superman - we saw it all!
Last months Mufti Day was a success and we raised Rs 2870!

Here's what PYP dressed up as for Super Hero Day :) 

The Super Hero's of PYP!

Superman and Super woman

Ben 10 to the rescure!

Double the power!

Mufti Day - August 2011

We celebrate a special day every month called “Mufti Day”, this is purely voluntary, children come dressed on a particular theme and contribute ` 10/- for participation, the money collected goes towards community service endeavors undertaken by Indus International school.

Mufti Day is usually on the last Friday of the month, the theme for the month of August was ‘Crazy Hair Day’.
Crazy curls, spikey hair, colours...look how crazy our hair can get!

Grade 1 & 2 showing off their crazy hair

Look at us!!!

Prep 2 showing their action!

Prep 2

Grade 4 and their crazy hair!

Even the teachers are getting involved!

Everyone loves taking part in Mufti Day

Wigs and more!!

now thats a funky hat!

August Mufti Day

Monday, October 10, 2011

New Academic Year 2011-12

Welcome 2011 - 2012!

As we look back at the fading year, Jonathan Lockwood Hui's words put our actions thus far into perspective: "Celebrate endings, for they precede new beginnings"

Let Mahatma Gandhi's inspirational thoughts show us the way ahead and we can also "Be the change we want to be"

Here's where the ACTION is, because Indus ACTIONists want to spread love.

Thank you for joining us in our journey!