Friday, March 2, 2012

Presentation made by Neha and Anaisha of 5C for CAS assembly

First Weekly action meeting

The first weekly action meeting was held on September 7th 2011. Students of Grades 2,3,4, and 5 attended this meeting and signed up for becoming action volunteers. Four teachers Ms. Grace, Ms. Kimkim, Ms. Suchitha and Ms. Priyanka took the responsibility of holding the meetings regularly. They decided to meet once a week every Thursday at 12:40pm to 1:00 pm.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Making classroom resources for IICS

This term, the CAS team are making classroom resources for the IICS classes. The students have come up with some creative ideas of making useful resources for the IICS to use in their classes. They are making flashcards, metre sticks, rulers, which will all be laminated and given to the classes of IICS.